Aurora store apkpure
Aurora store apkpure

aurora store apkpure

Personally I used apkpure before microg was a thing to download some apps which was disabled in my region in play store and I didn't have any problems. If they just download it from google and upload to their server it shouldn't be a problem, but you simply can't be sure that it's the same package without comparing with the same package from google/aurora/yalp. I searched the internet how apkpure get it's apks, but couldn't find anything.

aurora store apkpure

The problem is, you can't know what are you exactly downloading, and you have to trust this unknown server.

aurora store apkpure

Con Aurora Store tutti gli utenti potranno scaricare app da Play Store senza doversi loggare, senza l’utilizzo di Google Play Services e utilizzando tutte le versione Android superiori alla 5. However afaik apkpure has a its own server, and when you download an app from there you don't have a contact with google's servers. Google Play Store è un software proprietario che costringe gli utenti ad utilizzare un account Google per poterlo utilizzare. The big difference is, that aurora and yalp download apps from google's servers, therefore they are against google's TOS, which explicitly states that you can only obtain apps through the official play store app.

Aurora store apkpure